Tuesday 15 March 2016

Top 8 Reason Men Are Better Than Women

8. Men are stronger

Image result for men stronger than women Their upper body is very strong as compared to women and to be very honest, even the world seems to be designed along this fact rather than the delicacy of women. This is probably why they make the lawn mower strings so hard!



7. The knowledge of tools

Reasons Men Are Better Than Women 
Men can read instructions and decipher them easily. It is a part of their innate nature to understand the mechanics of how things work which is why they have DIY projects at home that women can’t do.

6. Men are solution oriented

Men tend to move towards the solution of the problem instead of spending three hours crying, seven days worrying and three weeks talking about it to friends, parents and other people around them. Their mind immediately comes up with 12 solutions without thinking that it might be an insult to how they are feeling right now.

5. Less complicated relationships

 Reasons Men Are Better Than Women 

Because men don’t give a damn about what others think of them- they don’t worry about what they think of others either. A group of male friends can go out every weekend without worrying what the other person was wearing. This cool attitude comes naturally and makes things less complicated, including fashion.

4. The appeal in opposite gender is visual

While many men will not admit it, their attraction to the opposite gender is based on looks most of the times. They will just look at the person and decide whether they want to date her or not. Women on the other hand will be unsure of this even after three years of knowing the person because they tend to find marriage material in each guy.

3. Less time getting ready to go out


That is one point that we would definitely give them points on. They don’t need makeup, hair styling and they don’t need hours to decide what to wear. Honestly, who notices?

2. Making babies is easy for them

Image result for men make baby easy for them 

For men the whole process of becoming a father involves three minutes of their time. On the other end, it is the ladies who have to face 9 months of trouble for the baby to come into this world.




1. Men are not social chameleons

A woman can change herself according to any gathering within a few seconds like a cult. Men are somewhat consistent and persistent in their opinions and feelings regarding anything.

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